UK Wildlife Management Group (UKWMG) provide effective management and site surveys of animal species found in the UK; with specialisms in rodents, birds, foxes and deer.
UKWMG manage deer and vermin on a number of land holdings. We are continually investigating new permissions and expanding our reach to where it is needed.


Before any management of land is undertaken, we run full risk assessments with the landowners before hand ensuring that all boundaries, public paths, roads and other risks are documented. This ensures that we stay fully compliant to the law as well as ensuring the safety of everyone around us. Where safe stalking is unachievable, we erect high seats. All of our land managers are fully trained and insured.
Management Plans
Our management plans are designed to provide the landowners a full and honest report on what is observed, the results, and is used to agree access points, access times and provides an extra level of security challenging all unknown personnel on your land.
We use the right tool for the right job, our rifles are selected based upon the species being managed. Each rifle is kept maintained and use moderators. It is equally as important to us and your neighbours that our upmost discretion is applied.
When it comes to keeping numbers at a suitable level, we try to preserve the life of the healthiest of the species and cull old, injured and the failing. All shots are only taken when our land managers are confident of a clean safe and humane dispatch.
Plus – We are able to assist with other wildlife e.g. foxes, pigeons, rabbits, rats and squirrels, as well as other woodland management issues.